4th Annual Pizza for a Purpose
September 25th saw crowds of people gathering at West End Pizza to enjoy pizza, pasta, salad, live entertainment and support the Wounded Warriors at Nebo ministry. It was humbling to see all the items merchants and individuals so generously donated for the raffle and silent auction.
The event was scheduled from 11am to 2pm. It was partly cloudy making it cool-very pleasant being outside. As the day progressed the sky got darker and darker with the threat of rain. I know we say GOD is in control but this time it was amazingly obvious. Just as the last raffle ticket was drawn, the skies opened up.
We thank everyone who donated items, bought raffle tickets or just joined us for some good food and fellowship. Proceeds from the event will pay for our largest weekend retreat which is for warriors and their families.
To the ladies who worked tirelessly gathering the donations, advertising the event, and much much more – LADIES YOU ROCK!!
Of course none of this would have been possible without the incredible generosity of Janet and Hal Degenhardt owners of West End Pizza. Thank you seems so inadequate for all you do for the ministry. Because of your efforts the ministry is able to show warriors they are not forgotten and help them in their transition.
Photos of the event can be viewed by Clicking Here