Team Building
The chaplain requested the February 9th event for cadre and staff be a Team Building event. What better way to build a team than to lock them in a room where they have to work together to get out? Forty one (41) soldiers met at an Escape Room in San Antonio for a day out learning to work together and hopefully in the process relieve some of the stress of their job(s). These soldiers work directly with the patients in treatment and/or transition. They make sure medications are correct and taken; that doctor’s appointments are made and kept; that physical therapy is attended, etc. In essence the cadre & staff are emotionally going through the same things as their patients.
Teams of 5 took turns going through the escape rooms.
Lunch was enjoyed at a local restaurant within walking distance of the escape rooms.
Feedback from the chaplain was very positive. He said everyone enjoyed the day. It helped relieve their work-related stress, improved morale while learning or sharpening skills required to work as a team.
Thank goodness Wounded Warriors at Nebo was able to provide an opportunity to have some fun!!