5K and 10K Run
Early Saturday morning, May 13, seventeen volunteers gathered at the Wildseed Farm gazebo to hand out water during the Women’s Wildflower Run. This was the third year Wounded Warriors at Nebo Ministry was given the opportunity to “earn” a nice donation . Volunteers handed water and gatorade out to the runners while enjoying the beautiful morning and gardens. We are grateful to Bill Gardner, Run in Texas, for the opportunity to participate again. Of course we couldn’t have done it without the following volunteers:
Dottie Pieper, Sharon Massey, Michelle Reson, Ed Fredericks, Betsy Fredericks, Lavern Boos, Kathy Parrish, Diane Smith, Fred Nardini, Judy Nardini, Diane Boerner, Terry Harrison, Diana Harrison, Coleen Hickman, Sharon Ginder, Lisa Callahan and Susan Stephens.