Spa Day
May 6, 2016
5 soldiers enjoyed a beautiful and relaxing day in Fredericksburg on Friday, May 6. They arrived at 9:30 and had muffins, scones and coffee at either The Spa at The Inn on Barons Creek or Nature’s Spa at Fredericksburg Herb Farm. After their light breakfast they were pampered with an hour long massage, manicure or pedicure. Feeling refreshed, several set out shopping on Main while others took a look at some of the beautiful and historic churches in Fredericksburg. At 12:30, we all met for lunch at The Rathskeller where each soldier ordered a daily special followed by the world famous peach bread pudding!!!! It felt good after the big meal to stroll several blocks to the waiting van. It was a fun day for all!!!
A special thank you to the Rathskeller for donating the meals. Also to Stacy & Michelle for being their guides. See Photo Gallery Also follow us on FaceBook
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