Homemade Cookies Anyone?
On Tuesdays after the card making class at the Warrior Family Support Center on Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, we pass out cookies to everyone in the center – even the cooks if we have enough. These are not something we picked up at H.E.B. No, they are HOMEMADE. And that makes all the difference in the world when offering them to these health conscious soldiers. It never fails, when receiving a “No thanks, mam” all we have to say is “They’re homemade” and a big smile appears along with a “Oh, that’s different”. There are even some who over the years have realized we have cookies and will seek us out for a sample.
We are only able to do this because members of the Ephraim Andrews Chapter of DAR in Fredericksburg have been making and donating 4 to 6 dozen cookies twice a month since 2013. After the January 21st class Jackie and Sharon captured some of the soldiers with their cookies.
It’s supporters like the DAR that helps Wounded Warriors at Nebo build relationships that in turn encourage Solders in Transition to participate in the events we offer.
View pictures of those happy faces by clicking on “Photos” at the top of Home Page.