Nimitz Golf Classic
On Friday, 11 September 2020, the Nimitz foundation hosted their annual Golf Classic. We were honored to be participants again this year. Eight (8) wounded warriors who love to golf were invited to play in the tournament as guests and one (1) to ride in the back seat of a WWII airplane. Some were medically retired and others active duty.
Most arrived on Thursday so they didn’t have to make the drive from San Antonio the morning of the tournament. They were treated to dinner at Hondo’s on Main and dessert at Clear River Ice Cream, Bakery & Deli who donated tickets for free ice cream.
Friday morning WWII airplanes flew over Boot Ranch ‘strafing’ the area where golfers were gathered waiting for the games to begin. One of the planes carried a former Ranger now living in San Antonio after being medically retired. Each of our golfers was placed with a foursome that welcomed them like old friends even providing a pointer or two along the way. In addition to playing golf there was an area to stop and shoot clay pigeons and another for shooting a crossbow. And lest anyone get hungry or thirsty, food & beverage stations were scattered throughout the golf course and beverage carts cruised the course. Admiral Nimitz and Senator Buckingham had their own golf cart and made it a point to stop and visit with golfers.
At the 19th hole celebration, it was obvious everyone had enjoyed the day. And to top it off, God blessed us with perfect weather. As if things couldn’t get better, there was a wounded warrior on each of the three winning teams. WHAT A DAY!!
While the guys were golfing, the families that had come with them were in Fredericksburg shopping, enjoying lunch at West End Pizza and also enjoying the beautiful cool weather.
Wounded Warriors at Nebo is grateful to the Nimitz Foundation for the opportunity to bring these brave young men out to the Hill Country for an incredible experience. Both Hondo’s on Main and West End Pizza worked with us to provide a fun safe dining experience in addition to donating some of the meals. And of course when you come to Fredericksburg you just have to indulge yourself at Clear River (who donated the ice cream and cookies). Thanks also go to The Inn on Baron’s Creek for the discounted rates!!
To view photos from this event click on “Photos” at top of page.