Trails Closed!!
Sharon & I got to Enchanted Rock before the gate opened and got permission to go in and claim tables for the Chaplain and his group. The plan was that we would save tables so that after everyone finished their hike up the rock they would join us for some delicious BBQ chicken and all the trimmings. Well, about 30 minutes before the group arrived GOD changed those plans. Rain poured from the sky. Enough that the park ranger told us the trails were closed until they were completely dry since the rock is very slick when wet. So after talking with the Chaplain we made arrangements for them to go through the Museum of the Pacific War then meet us at Holy Ghost Lutheran Church for lunch.
All in all everyone had a nice relaxing time and some even took the opportunity to explore a little of main street.
Special Thanks to David Wiemers for cooking the wonderfully tasty chicken, to Jan Unger and Holy Ghost Lutheran Church, and of course to the Museum for the special rates. And we certainly cannot forget those providing food – Vedena Brown, Barbara Wilcox, Diane Smith for Republican Women, Kaye Telle, Peggy Benson, Laverne Boos and Susan Quindry.