Couples Retreat May 13-15, 2022
Both the U.S. Army and U.S. Marines were represented in the eight couples attending a weekend retreat in Fredericksburg, TX lead by Chaplain Alex. Everyone gathered at Fredericksburg United Methodist Church for welcome by the Wounded Warriors at Nebo team members, orientation, dinner and a short introductory session to the weekend. Their first session Saturday morning addressed finances and was presented by a guest speaker, Mr. Winfred. Lunch was at Hondo’s on Main. Guests were free for the afternoon to go exploring, lay by the pool, go shopping or anything else they wanted to do. Several went to the Museum of the Pacific War. Chaplain Alex spoke about the 5 Love Languages challenging attendees to identify theirs and apply the theory to their lives. Saturday evening meal, provided by the Church of Ladder Day Saints, was a little early so those wishing to could go to a movie. Chaplain Alex held one final session on Sunday morning before releasing everyone.
During their time in Fredericksburg, the couples were provided; their lodging at the Inn on Baron’s Creek, their meals from Friday evening through lunch Sunday, free admission to the Museum of the Pacific War and Fritztown Cinema.
We sincerely appreciate and thank the members of the Fredericksburg UMC and LDS who hosted evening meals and made the guests feel welcome and loved. We also thank the Inn on Baron’s Creek, Hondo’s on Main, the Museum of the Pacific War, Chocolat and Fritztown Cinema for their consideration and assistance in making this a memorable weekend.
A special THANK YOU to our photographer, David Roberts, a professional who donates his time to taking & editing photos to document the events. You can view those photos by following this link to the photo album https://wwnebo.org/photos or click on the “Photo” tab at the top of the page. You may also go to the photographer’s website http://dlroberts.zenfolio.com/f575051704 to view and download any you want.