WWAN Honored
The purpose of this ministry is to honor the men and women who have and are giving so much to insure we, the American People continue to have the freedoms we have come to take for granted. We recognize that it’s not just the ones who are physically injured that have sacrificed. Their loved ones whether it’s a spouse, parent, sibling, children or significant other; the care provider and family are significantly impacted. Everyone’s life changes. Our goal is to recognize those involved to the extent possible and do whatever we can to give them a little respite and let them know that GOD and we love them and appreciate what they have done and are going through. Hopefully we expose them to a little ‘normalcy’. And help them integrate back into society in small group settings. All we want is to see that smile or share a hug. So , we are humbled when the Ministry is recognized for its service. And that’s what happened at the March retreat when Chaplain Ginsburg presented the Ministry with a certificate thanking it for its service and a flag that flew over Amman, Jordan. Both the Marines and Army were involved with this recognition. Again, it’s very humbling but also lets us know that perhaps we are doing what GOD wants us to.