May 6-8, 2016, R & R
The ministry is taking the summer to refresh and play with grandchildren so the R&R held May 6-8 was the last event until September. And what a delightful event it was!! There were 13 children laughing and playing.
Friday evening started off with a Taco Bar dinner and leisurely getting to know one another. Everyone was on their own until dinner on Saturday. When we arrived at Memorial Presbyterian Church for dinner there were several church members there to welcome the guests and visit with them during dinner.
After dinner the children discovered the church playground was unlocked. They were so excited but asked permission before going in. The ladies who had hosted the dinner were gracious enough to allow the children to work off some of that “Kid Energy”. It was fun watching them team up and become friends sharing and competing on the swings and overhead bars. It was so amazing watching the way they responded to their parents. Talk about well behaved children!! Something one doesn’t always see.
We were also blessed with a visiting Air Force chaplain. He was just finishing up his internship and agreed to attend the R&R in Chaplain Ginsburg’s place. He spent time visiting with each family, couple and WWAN team member in addition to playing with the children. Chaplain Davidson proved to be a personable compassionate person who is always welcome to join us.
As you can see from the pictures some of us got a head start getting into “Grandma Mode”.
Check out the “May, 2016, R & R” photo album. Follow us on FaceBook.