Family Christmas R&R
Fifteen families (43 people) came to Fredericksburg for the annual lighted parade and Family R&R. The weekend started with dinner at Zion Lutheran Church followed by the parade. The weather was perfect for the parade requiring a light jacket or no jacket at all. Volunteers set up and took down chairs for our guests to sit and enjoy all the floats. According to the chamber, this was the biggest Christmas parade for Fredericksburg.
After the parade guests went exploring. Some went ice skating others just checked out what activities were available for the weekend then headed for the hotel. Families were on their own to enjoy the festivities until Saturday lunch which was catered at Bethany Lutheran Church and later, dinner at St. Joseph’s Halle hosted by the Catholic Daughters. Activities at the Pioneer Museum were very popular with the smaller children.
Our photographer got some great shots of the parade Friday night. They can be view and/or downloaded at his website on Zenfolio | Dave Roberts | 2022 Dec (dinner) and Zenfolio | Dave Roberts | Christmas Parade 2022 (parade).
Wounded Warriors at Nebo thank Zion Luthern Church for hosting Friday’s meal for these families and the Catholic Daughters who provided Saturday’s dinner in addition to games and gifts for the families. In addition, we are grateful to the venues that allowed our guests to participate without paying (they kept track and we paid them later). A special thank you to all the volunteers who make it possible for the families to enjoy a relaxing weekend in Fredericksburg and for making them feel welcome and loved.
Photos of families at the evening meals can be viewed by following the link https://wwnebo.org/photos
Trying to get everyone visible in a group photo proved to be impossible so i have put two views of the families in the photo album.