November, 2019 R & R
Couples and families gathered at Holy Ghost Lutheran church Friday evening for delicious meal of made from scratch chicken fajitas and all the trimmings. Just when we thought we couldn’t eat anymore, they served ice cream with Bunuelos. No one left hungry.
Everyone was on their own until lunch Saturday at Hondo’s on Main. It was a perfect day to be outside. After lunch guests went shopping, visited the Museum of the Pacific War, Fritztown Cinema, etc. Then met at Memorial Presbyterian Church for a lasagna & salad dinner and of course lots of dessert.
Our heartfelt thanks to all of you who donated use of your guest houses. The couples expressed their appreciation for the “wonderful accommodations” (their words). They really felt pampered. We also thank Fritztown Cinema, the Museum, Best Western Hotel and Hondo’s for your generous discounts.
While Wounded Warriors at Nebo has had many R&Rs this is the first one that focused on wounded, injured and ill who have been medically retired. Based on many conversations with veterans who had gone to our events while in treatment and/or transition we recognized that while they may no longer be active duty, they still need the respite that our events provide. It was great to renew old friendships and make new ones. We plan to continue reaching out to veterans as well as those still in transition.
For more photos of this weekend click on photos at the top of the home page and select the album “November 2019 R & R.