January 10-12, 2020 R&R
What started out with thunderstorms and rain turned into a lovely weekend. Friday evening was cold, wet and noisy but people persevered and made it to Fredericksburg United Methodist Church for dinner. As they entered, they were greeted by members of the Encouragers and Inquirers SS class’ who also joined guests during dinner, visiting and getting acquainted. Since Cadre (Staff) work directly with personnel in transition we took the opportunity to show them a presentation explaining all of the services we provide for the wounded, injured, ill and caregivers. Sharon, the presenter, told our guests that they were in a perfect position to identify people who could benefit from some of our events and asked they contact either the chaplain’s office or us with that information. At the end of the evening some were headed out to find places with live music and others back to the hotel.
Saturday we all met at West End Pizza for an optional lunch provided by Wounded Warriors at Nebo which allowed us to visit and get better acquainted.
Then everyone was on their own until dinner at the Church of Latter Day Saints (a new addition to the ministry). There was no program but lots and lots of food and friendly congregants visiting with the guests making them feel loved and welcome. The food was delicious but the high light was fresh peach cobbler (in my opinion).
It turned out to be a beautiful weekend making it easy for guests to enjoy Fredericksburg and recharge.
View photos from the event by clicking on Photos at top of Home Page.