Eat Those Words
For years I have been saying “Card Making is not my Thing. I’ll help out at WFSC (Warrior Family Support Center) but it’s just not my thing!” Well I have been getting a lot of guff lately for those words. In fact I’ve been choking on them. You see, the ‘bug’ has gotten me. I am now buying card making supplies and even designing cards. Somehow my dear friends to whom I shouted those words are laughing and keep reminding me and anyone who will listen, that “Cards are NOT my thing”. So I confess, I have come to enjoy creating and sharing those creations with family and friends.
On May 2 both Jackie and Sharon were unavailable to go to Fort Sam for the card class so Susan and I made the trip and I got to teach two of my designs. We had a nice group all of whom have made cards before so took my sample and used their ‘Artistic License’ creating their own version. That was most evident on the first card. Mine was an ice cream truck. Others had taco and cup cake trucks. Everyone had a good time.
Come join us, even if “Card Making isn’t your Thing” you may just have fun. AND you will leave with two cards you created!! Besides all that, it’s therapeutic – a great way to kill time waiting for an appointment or to go pick up your honey. Classes start at 10 AM on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month.